VEGA JL CUPRASOL is a concentrated fertilizer in suspension containing 20% copper. It is a support element for preventive and curative treatment of field and garden plants. Thanks to
its stable content, it can be easily taken by all plants, increases the plant’s resistance to diseases by activating the natural defense mechanism, and has an active role in the photosynthesis, chlorophyll production, vegetative development and flowering of plants, encouraging the healthy and efficient development of the plant and also helping to maintain the integrity of
the cell wall. It is a product.
If VEGA JL CUPRASOL is applied to the leaves, it is easily absorbed and transported downwards to the entire plant and roots by
the phloem. If applied to the roots, it is easily absorbed and carried upwards by the xylem. There is no residue problem. It is very
quickly absorbed systemically by the plant. It activates the natural defense system of the plant and encourages the accumulation
of some compounds and phytoalexins with antimicrobial properties. It is a copper solution complexed with gluconic acid that can
be used for fungal and bacterial disease (root and stem rot) control, especially against fire blight.
While it is especially active in photosynthesis, it acts as a catalyst in respiration and its deficiency can reduce respiration rates.
• Its presence is effective in the formation of the cell wall.
• Cu intensifies the oxidation of phenol compounds to quinones, wound healing and pigment formation.
• It is an extremely effective product in regulating auxins and reproduction.
• Enriched with high-quality adjuvants (phenol compounds, organic and amino acid) that improve the properties of the working
fluid .
Guaranteed Content | (W/V) |
Water Soluble Copper (Cu) | 30% |
Plant Name | Application Period | DRIP IRRIGATION (ml/da) |
Foliar Application (ml/da- 100 L water) |
Greenhouse and Open Field Vegetables (Tomato, Pepper, Cucumber, Eggplant, Beans) | Starting one week after the seedlings are transplanted, 2-3 applications are made until the fruit ripens | 1.5 – 2 lt / Da | 100 -150 ml |
Winter Vegetables (Curly, Lettuce, Cabbage, Spinach, etc.) |
3-4 applications are made during vegetation. | 1.5 – 2 lt / Da | 100 -150 ml |
Tuberous Plants (Sugarbeet, Potato, Onion etc.) | 1 application after hoeing, second application 15-20 days later | 2 – 3 lt / Da | 100 -150 ml |
All Fruit Trees (Peach, Apricot, Cherry, Plum, Apple, Pear, etc.) |
3-4 applications are made during vegetation. | 1 – 2 lt / Da | 100 -150 ml |
Industrial Plants (Cotton, Sunflower etc.) |
2-3 applications starting from the period when the plant height is 15-20 cm | 1.5 – 2 lt / Da | 100 -150 ml |
All Legumes (Chickpeas, Beans, Lentils, Soy, etc.) |
2-3 applications throughout the development period. | 1.5 – 2 lt / Da | 100 -150 ml |
Cereals (Corn, Wheat, Barley, Paddy, etc.) | 2 applications during tillering and tillering period | – | 100 -150 ml |
These values are recommendations. These amounts; It may vary due to reasons such as climate, soil type, air temperature, type of plant, productivity status, and difference in irrigation system.
Appropriate doses, agricultural analysis It can be determined by expert consultants with technical knowledge on this subject, according to the results and the development status of the plants.
Do not exceed the recommended application amount. For more information: Call our marketing department.